€75,00In Horihide we celebrate the life and work of one of Japan’s most famous tattoo artists, Kazuo Oguri, the pioneer who introduced traditional Japanese tattoo iconography and techniques to the West
In Horihide we celebrate the life and work of one of Japan’s most famous tattoo artists, Kazuo Oguri, the pioneer who introduced traditional Japanese tattoo iconography and techniques to the West
Tattoo Traditions of Native North America explores the many facets of indelible Indigenous body marking across every cultural region of North America.
1288 Pictures of Early Western Tattooing from the Henk Schiffmacher Collection. Mingins’ scrapbooks convey a beautiful overview of the world of tattoos and attitudes towards them during the first half of the twentieth century
A series of 108 hand-painted, traditional Japanese kaina. Japanese half-sleeve tattoo designs applied to the upper left and right arms. All of the designs in this volume are by the young tattoo artist Yushi ‘Horikichi’ Takei.
Good Luck tattoos are frequently worn by those who really need them: people you would not always call winners. Dices, eight-balls clover leafs, playing-cards, horse shoes: we use all of these symbols to appeal to lucky forces. And if they don’t help, at least you can say: you can’t win if you don’t play.
Tattoos last longer than romances’ is an old school tattoo shop sign. The true love design is, of course, a fool’s tattoo. Many a wearer of a romantic tattoo will eventually hear the reproachful words: ‘I told you, you shouldn’t have done it, you’re gonna regret it’, and so on.
Literally a metal device that prevents a ship or boat from drifting, the anchor came to represent a sailor’s last resort in stormy weather, a symbol of well-grounded hope.
The sweetest girl I ever kissed was another man’s wife… my mother
Henk Schiffmacher neemt de lezer mee op reis langs de bijna honderd tatoeages op zijn lichaam. Sinds Schiffmacher zijn eerste tatoeage – een ramschedel – op zijn arm liet zetten, is hij gefascineerd door de geschiedenis en achtergronden van deze volkskunst. Sindsdien vormt zijn lichaam zijn kladblok en vitrine en daarmee is het een verlengde van zijn aanzienlijke collectie tatoeage-gerelateerde objecten en kunstwerken.